Monday, March 31, 2008

Honor Society's newest member

Today Madison was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society at school. She does a great job keeping up with her grades considering all the other things she has going on in life. In order to get accepted she had to fill out a 3 page application, get recommendations from teachers and another adult, participate in community service, and agree to attend the big Hoo-ha induction event. All this done on her own without any prodding from mom or dad. Way to go Madi!


Rebecca said...

Okay, you really need to post. :) It's been 7 months!

I guess L does have a little of me in her eh? What goes around comes around. I learn this lesson almost daily. ;)

Greg Hanson said...

Just a note: the link to Sandy's blog has "Sandy & Greg" instead of "Sandy & Doug". I love my sis-in-law and all but I think Doug may like the credit for the cool blog ;)