Monday, December 15, 2008

Off We Go

MTC or bust!!!

Will post about the excitement when we get back!

PS. Michael was officially set apart as a missionary tonight.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Wonderful Weekend!

Our full weekend started Friday night. After work Michael and I went up to the Beehive Clothing store to purchase some clothing items. When we got to the counter the lady working there asked where he was going on his mission to which Michael replied Argentina Resistencia. At that point the lady behind us who had just walked in said "that's the mission that my son is serving in ." Wow! What a blessing that was. We (I) have had so many questions about what Michael needs to take (even though they give you a list) and, like a mom, have been worried that we get him just the right stuff. Well, she was able to help us decide on the type of fabrics he should choose for the weather as well as answer questions in general. Her son is currently working at the mission home and she took Michael's email so her son could contact him. The best news she had for us was that they now have a Wal-Mart in Resistencia so her son was able to go buy peanut butter. Michael was loving that. I know it seems like such a small thing but I'm convinced that she was there for a reason and it wasn't just coincidence. She definitely helped calm the nerves of this slightly anxious mom who is sending her baby off to a strange country.

On Saturday we were able to take Michael to the temple for his endowment. It was a great day. Craig was able to help him and then I along with Grandma and Papa Nielsen and Grandma Fuller were in the session with him. When we got in the session we were pleasantly surprised to see that it was the same one for one of the young guys in our ward who was getting married the next week. Not only that but one of Greg and Becca's friend and his wife were also there. Having so many friendly faces was a great plus. Here's the ONE picture I got at the temple before we went inside. Since it was 9:58 and we had to be inside at 10:00 it was all he would let me take. He hates to be late!

On Sunday Michael spoke in church for the last time before he leaves. He did such a good job and I was definitely proud of him. I can't believe this time has come so soon. We were blessed to have lots of friends and family come to support him and many more who would have liked to have been there. We love them all.

After church we all came home and enjoyed visiting and eating. It was a FULL house: Grandma and Papa Nielsen, Grandma and Papa Fuller, Patrick, Matthew, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Michelle, Riley, Gage, Gavin, Aunt Melanie, Uncle Milo, Kathryn, Nathan, Dane, Reed, Uncle Kyle, Aunt Heidi, Kate, and Preston. Add our six to the mix and the house was lively. I love being able to spend time with extended family and having all the nieces and nephews around. My kids love being able to play with their younger cousins and it is always nice to have some time to catch up with each other. Thank You everyone for your support and love!

From Barbies to Rock Band to Basketball (just a little since it was Sunday :)), here are some pictures of the day:

Preston & Madison


Jared & Gavin

Riley (hair courtesy of Chad)

Kathryn (Barbie's hairdo courtesy of Madison)

Cousin Time


Chad, Michael, & Jared




The Crew (21 tries and this is the best you get)

The Big Boys at Play

Saturday, September 20, 2008

We know where he's going.

Michael completed the process of submitting his mission paperwork about 3 weeks ago. It is a long and in depth process. First they have to be interviewed by the Bishop and given an online log in and password. He then had to go online and complete a long application. It included everything from family and school history to health issues and past injuries. Wow!!! I think it took about 2 hours over the course of a couple of sessions. Thank goodness that he is generally healthy and hasn't had any major issues - remembering dates just about did me in. Luckily Michael has a mind like a steel trap and remembers every little detail. After he submitted the application and a picture we had to print out dental and doctor forms and get him appointments to have them completed. Once all that info was returned to the Bishop, Michael had another interview with the Bishop and Stake President. Once those were completed, the Stake President basically clicks a button and off it all goes to Salt Lake. Then you wait...

We had a family pool to guess where he got to go where everybody got to choose 2 countries. It was fun to tease Michael while we were guessing. We really tried to convince him he was going to Idaho where he'd have to eat potatoes everyday since he hates potatoes. :) I think in the end Madison won because she chose Brazil and Argentina to two LARGEST countries!

We knew it would take at least 2 weeks to get his call but it actually ended up taking about 3 because of the Labor Day holiday. I think I rushed to the mailbox every day for the last week to see if the envelope was in the box yet. Today ended up being the day. When everyone got home Michael opened the letter and walked away so he could read it. Then he made us guess where he would be going. The answer is the (drum roll please)...

Argentina Resistencia Mission

If you're anything like me, you'll have to get a map. I knew it was in South America but I had no idea where. The mission covers the northeastern corner of Argentina on the borders of Paraguay and Brazil. It includes 5 provinces or areas that are all a little different from each other. Here's a map. It is a little hard to read but you can see where is is in relation to the entire continent in the little picture in the top right corner.

Once Michael got his call, he was so excited. He hoped for 2 things: overseas and Spanish speaking. He got both! He called all of our family to share the good news. Now we are just waiting for his packet of info to come so we can start shopping and getting him ready.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kentwood Football At Qwest Field

The Kentwood Football team's first game of the season was played at Qwest field. For those of you outside the Seattle area Qwest is the home field for the Seattle Seahawks. This was Jared's first Varsity game. I think Craig was VERY excited and proud (after all football is his game) that he was suiting up for it. Being able to play at Qwest was a real treat and not something very many kids get the opportunity to do. I think the entire KW fan base came to the game. Our side of the field was a sea of black. As you can see Madison and Chad love to support their team! Go #26!

Chad and his gang (Chad has the green mohawk)

Madi and her friends (4th from left)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School

Back to the grind! Today was the first day back to school for the younger three. Chad is now a senior, Jared is a sophomore, and Madi is a Freshman. It is fun to have them all at Kentwood and in the same school. Luckily seminary doesn't start until tomorrow so they all got to sleep in for another 45 minutes. I love each age and stage we go through. It's hard to believe that the second one will soon be graduating and moving on. It really seems like just yesterday I was wishing I could just have 30 seconds to myself to go to the bathroom alone. We have been blessed with great kids and each one of them brings a unique personality, special talents and gifts to our family. Here's to another good year.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Chad!!!

You are 17 today...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

He did it!

Today Michael graduated from Kentwood High School!!! After 13 long years he has accomplished a huge feat. There were days he didn't want to go and others that he thoroughly enjoyed being there. Despite a few warnings for naughty things done (using the remote to mysteriously turn the projector on and off during the teacher's lesson comes to mind) he was a terrific student. He played basketball and soccer, attended dances, cheered at football games, and had fun hanging with his friends. Michael we are all very proud of you!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Senior Ball(s)

Michael went to 2 Senior Balls this weekend. On Friday, June 5, he went to Kentridge's with Lisa Stephens. On Saturday, June 6, he went with Megan Shaver. He had fun at both events and they even got him to agree to pictures.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Part of local history

The City of Kent is building a new Events Center which will be home to the Seattle Thunderbirds hockey team. It will also be available for other local events like high school graduation, trade shows, etc. Since Chad is part of the Kentwood ASB as a Junior class officer, he was asked to be part of the Kentwood High School delegation to sign the final beam before it is put in place. They also had Thunderbird players, city council members, and other local dignitaries sign it. It's kind of fun to think Chad's name will be there on that beam as long as the center is standing.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Madison!!!

Madison is now 14 and looking forward to church dances!
Happy Birthday Madi!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Honor Society's newest member

Today Madison was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society at school. She does a great job keeping up with her grades considering all the other things she has going on in life. In order to get accepted she had to fill out a 3 page application, get recommendations from teachers and another adult, participate in community service, and agree to attend the big Hoo-ha induction event. All this done on her own without any prodding from mom or dad. Way to go Madi!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Jared turned 15 today!
Happy Birthday Bear!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Big Weekend!!!

This weekend should be a lot of fun!

Madison's soccer team is playing in one of the semi-final games of the State Championship Cup. Their game is Saturday at 9:00 am. If they win this game, they have a really great chance of winning the entire Cup and advancing onto the Regional tournament in June in Hawaii! Here's a picture of her playing in a game:

Jared's team (the team Craig coaches) is also playing in their state cup. They have done REALLY well this year and will be playing for the Championship Sunday at 3:30! Here are a couple of pictures of Bear:

Win It!!!
Dosveedanya 93 Red
SCFC 92 Crew

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mama called the Doctor...

I created this blog thinking I'd NEVER have much to say but I'm happy to announce I actually have some news - Michael had his appendix out! Yes, I know I didn't have to go to that extreme to have something to post but I really had no control.

Saturday Michael complained of a dull pain in his stomach. I thought he had a little bug so we kind of blew it off and that was that. Nothing that a little Pepto couldn't heal, right? He wasn't feeling great but went to Madison's soccer game anyway. Here's a picture of him one of the dad's sent us after the fact...Who knew?? He obviously wasn't feeling well.

Sunday he went to church with us but I took him home after Sacrament meeting because he was complaining of a stomachache again. How conveninet...anything to get out of church! He still didn't have any other symptoms that would lead me to believe we were on the road to surgery. He helped Craig coach a soccer game and seemed fine. However, by Sunday night he was beginning to feel more pain. The pain had moved to his intestinal area but he still wasn't showing any other symptoms like vomiting, fever, etc. After we sent all the kids to their rooms for the night at 9:00, he came back downstairs to talk about his pain (they never grow out of getting out of bed, there's always something). After a consult with Dr. Dad, we decided to call the on-call nurse. She wasn't much help but did say that based on where the pain was, it wouldn't hurt to take him to the ER. So at about 10:00 pm Craig and Michael journeyed off to the ER. By about 3:00 am I was beginning to think I would never hear from them again. Craig called at 3:30 am to say they were going to admit Michael because he had appendicitis and they would operate in the morning. What????? This wasn't the plan, did nobody tell the Doctors? He has High School soccer tryouts on Monday, a bunch of homework due, probably a work schedule and a life!

On Monday, they took him into surgery at about 10:00. It was a pretty quick fix and went well. After four small scope incisions and a little derma glue he is good to go. They did keep him overnight Monday just to keep an eye on him but Tuesday he came home with only one restriction - he can't lift anything over 20 pounds for 6 weeks. I can safely say that from the looks of his room, we aren't in danger of him lifting anything at all and he is now back to his normal routine.