I created this blog thinking I'd NEVER have much to say but I'm happy to announce I actually have some news - Michael had his appendix out! Yes, I know I didn't have to go to that extreme to have something to post but I really had no control.
Saturday Michael complained of a dull pain in his stomach. I thought he had a little bug so we kind of blew it off and that was that. Nothing that a little Pepto couldn't heal, right? He wasn't feeling great but went to Madison's soccer game anyway. Here's a picture of him one of the dad's sent us after the fact...Who knew?? He obviously wasn't feeling well.
Sunday he went to church with us but I took him home after Sacrament meeting because he was complaining of a stomachache again. How conveninet...anything to get out of church! He still didn't have any other symptoms that would lead me to believe we were on the road to surgery. He helped Craig coach a soccer game and seemed fine. However, by Sunday night he was beginning to feel more pain. The pain had moved to his intestinal area but he still wasn't showing any other symptoms like vomiting, fever, etc. After we sent all the kids to their rooms for the night at 9:00, he came back downstairs to talk about his pain (they never grow out of getting out of bed, there's always something). After a consult with Dr. Dad, we decided to call the on-call nurse. She wasn't much help but did say that based on where the pain was, it wouldn't hurt to take him to the ER. So at about 10:00 pm Craig and Michael journeyed off to the ER. By about 3:00 am I was beginning to think I would never hear from them again. Craig called at 3:30 am to say they were going to admit Michael because he had appendicitis and they would operate in the morning. What????? This wasn't the plan, did nobody tell the Doctors? He has High School soccer tryouts on Monday, a bunch of homework due, probably a work schedule and a life!
On Monday, they took him into surgery at about 10:00. It was a pretty quick fix and went well. After four small scope incisions and a little derma glue he is good to go. They did keep him overnight Monday just to keep an eye on him but Tuesday he came home with only one restriction - he can't lift anything over 20 pounds for 6 weeks. I can safely say that from the looks of his room, we aren't in danger of him lifting anything at all and he is now back to his normal routine.